Sometimes we get so stuck in technicalities, and we forget what holidays are about. Mother's Day, for instance. Mothers Day is about fierceness. It's about selflessness. It's about nurturing. Enter, the mothers.
Maybe you don't have children. Maybe your children are no longer with you. Maybe you think you are a bad mom (believe me, we are all bad moms according to somebody.) But don't forget that you had a mother, you came from a womb. Enter, the daughters (and sons.)
Maybe your mom is no longer with you, maybe she barely ever was. But somebody mothered you, imperfectly and awkwardly, and that mother figure is part of why you are here today.
No matter which of these words ring true to you, we at Lightfolly want to invite you to celebrate somebody this coming Sunday. Somebody nurturing, somebody selfless. A mother.