Warrior Mother, Warrior Daughter
Patrice is not a teacher but she works with educators and she could teach one thing or two about being an example of sweetness and strength. Wise, caring, fiercely fighting for the right to mother her daughter as the lioness that she is. A battle that she won recently, after years of fighting it.
Quinn is a Queen and a fashion lover. She is a warrior who has learned from her mother the precious art of holding space.
It was inspiring and heart warming to have these duo at our studio, helping each other with wardrobe selection, straightening wrinkles, and giggling as they each saw the other face the lens. If somebody had peeked in the door that morning, they would have heard things like "You got this, mom!" and "This is her" and "That color looks great on you", said humorously and confidently at the same time. I look forward to one day, when my own daughter is a teenager, to have this kind of connection and mutual respect for each other's minds and wisdom. It was a beautiful thing to witness.