Mother & Daughter: Jiji & Nina

She is your daughter. The adorable girl that makes you wake up at night over and over as she gets used to her big-girl bed. The one who makes you laugh as she tries to learn to count to 10. The one who drives you crazy as you try to let her grow up.

So one day you are dancing and twirling, her silk yellow dress flowing in the sun, the flower on her hair so imposing, and you would like to freeze that moment forever. Her laughter. Your earrings, which she borrowed, dangling from her ears. The way she looks up at you in your arms. And that's why we do this. So we can make images that you will treasure forever and which one day, when she moves out, she can take with her to treasure herself too.

Just as International Women's Day begins, we share one of Lightfolly's most enjoyed sessions.